August 1996
Sunday 11
Shinpan course
Note: the distribution procedure of the flags is going to change next year.
The jury bows to the shomen, walks over to the chairs and bow to the fields. The tournament chief judge hands the flags to the field judge: first bow, handle flags with both hands, turn handles towards the person receiving the flags, bow. The field judge gives the flags to the shushin (head shinpan) the same way. The head shinpan gives flags first to the right, then to the left fukushin (assistant shinpan). The flags are rolled out, usually there is a table where they can be placed on. Both shushin and fukushin sit down as the shushin calls the 'hajime' for the first match. After that, only the shushin stands up between matches. The shinpan should sit straight, not lean on the chair. The field judge can warn a shinpan once, second time s/he is replaced. When changing the jury, new jury members bow to shomen, come stand behind the chairs, bow to the old jury, get their flags from their predecessor, bow again and change places clockwise. The old jury bows to the shomen.
Ishido sensei and Yoshitaka sensei playing a match