Two new ZNKR iaido kata
as explained on Nakakura Cup 2000 Iaido seminar
12 - Junihonme Nukiuchi
From standing position take both hands to the sword (right hand to Tsuka and left hand to Koiguchi). Take your left foot back and draw your sword in Uke Nagashi, then bring it above your head as you take your right foot back as well. Take your left hand to Tsuka and immediately step forward with your right foot to cut down your opponent.
Nukiuchi by Furuichi sensei
Take the right foot back behind the left foot, and perform Yoko Chiburi at the end of this movement. Perform Noto as usual.
Take one step forward to return to the original position.
Nukiuchi with opponent:
Important points for Nukiuchi:
- On the draw, the tsuka moves up as in Sougiri.
- The movement is similar to the first Kendo long sword kata.
- When drawing the right foot backwards during the evasion, it should remain slightly before the left foot.
Nukiuchi by Oda sensei